Tha na bhalbhaichean smachd bolim-subws air an cleachdadh sa mhòr-chuid anns na suidheachaidhean a leanas:
Smachd uisge gnìomhachais : Faodar criomagan smachd plews-subsumatic a chleachdadh gus smachd a chumail air an t-sruthadh, teòthachd agus gas, smùid ann an ceimigeach, petroleum, petroleum, peatroleum, petroleumach Cumhachd, meatalleall, cungaidh-leigheis agus gnìomhachasan eile.
Siostam fèin-ghluasadach : Faodar criomagan smachd pneumatic a chleachdadh airson smachd ìosal, leithid loidhnichean cinneas fèin-ghluasadach, uidheamachd meacanaigeach, msaa, gus smachd fèin-ghluasadach a choileanadh.
Smachd Àrainneachd : Faodar criomagan smachd plews a chleachdadh ann an siostaman smachd àrainneachd, leithid siostaman fionnarachaidh, HVAC, airson a bhith a 'riaghladh teòthachd a-staigh, taiseachd, miannach adhair, msaa.
Cumhachan smachd lag-sbhaile pneumatic, freagarrach airson a h-uile tagradh, ma dh 'fhaolas tu, a bhith a' toirt fàilte orra, tha prìomh thoraidhean eile aig a 'chompanaidh againn, Wuchrve , Flower Walve , Flower Walve , Wlock Broach .
Bodhaig bhalbhaichean
Type |
straight-through cage ball valve |
Nominal diameter |
DN15-400mm |
Nominal pressure |
PN16, 40, 64; ANSI150, 300, 600 |
Connection form: |
Flange type |
Valve body material: |
WCB, WC6, WC9, LCB, LC2, LC3, CF8, CF8M, etc. |
Bonnet type: Standard type (P): |
-17 - +230℃ |
Gland type: |
Bolt pressing type |
Filling: |
PTFE V-shaped packing, PTFE asbestos and flexible graphite |
Pàirtean bhalbhaichean
Valve core form: |
pressure balanced valve core |
Adjustment characteristics: |
equal percentage, linear, quick opening |
Internal materials: |
304, 304 cladding STL, 316, 316 cladding STL, 316L, etc. |
Bellows material: |
304L, 316L, Harbin C alloy, etc. |
(1) Pneumatic actuator |
Model: |
film type |
Diaphragm material: |
ethylene-propylene rubber sandwiched with nylon |
Spring range: |
20-100KPa, 40-200KPa, 80-240KPa |
Air supply pressure: |
140KPa, 160KPa, 280KPa, 400KPa |
Air source connector: |
Rc1/4, Rc3/8 |
Ambient temperature: |
-30 ~ +70℃ |
Mode of action: |
air-opening type (reaction), air-closing type (direct action) |
Remarks: |
① This model of large diameter or high pressure differential regulating valve can also be equipped with a straight stroke piston actuator. |
② If the ambient temperature is lower than -30℃, please contact Xipai technical personnel. |
Leakage amount: |
Metal valve seat: Complies with ANSI B16.104 Level IV |
Non-metallic valve seat: |
conforms to ANSI B 16.104 Class VI |